Thursday 16 September 2010

By way of Jesus, Madonna and the Pope.

Well, Jesus was (just)a guest at the hotel where i'm working (do you have any idea how hard it was to resist "room at the inn" jokes?), Madonna was upstairs having commandeered a corridor for a her new film- she's tiny, and the Pope will just be passing by, rather than stopping in. Still, not bad for a couple of weeks in hotel land.

I'm sorry i've been so awol, this is my first night in about eleven months where i've had the time and space to write. I've borrowed my flat mate's computer as mine can't deal, and am sitting on the sofa with a jar of wine (riesling) and a choc ice (melting) with lovely candystripe pj's and eeyore tucked under my arm. It's a funny thing feeling silent for so long, i don't quite know where to start.

Context i the last couple of weeks i turned 25 and finished my masters' course, in the next couple of weeks i will be unemployed and, if fate smiles, re-employed. I'm living in an urban bungalow- it's the perfect juxtaposition. Who thinks builing big one level housing in the middle of towerblocks in a rough bit of London makes sense? We have a big and lovely garden but there are rather disturbingly frequent muggings on the road off our complex, the neighbours are friendly but the reggae and drum and bass busting from the highrises sometimes makes your diaphragm vibrate.

I have 3 housemates; Marco is a very tall Italian photographer- he is all the stereotypes you could throw at him- good food loving, woman objectifying, melodrama inhabiting and a lovely rolling accent - but also tidy and respectful and sweet. Stephanie is Mexican-American, a sociologist/ ethnomusicologist who has been drowning in a paper for the past month but will always be the first person who fed me chunks of watermelon with chilli and salt one hot London summer day, and Anna is an old friend of mine from my first set of Paris days. We used to be the hippies of the group, the ones who walked on protests and lectured about carbon footprints- now she's a management consultant for a big evil firm- the epitomy of 'the man'...but still totally odd and it makes me think that there's a chance for the world if they let her into it.

Right now we are all in the living room- Marco is editing, Stephanie is writing, Anna is revising economics and i'm finally getting to talk to the ether again.

Hello! Are you all out there?

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